SEND Information

SEND - St Aidan's Information


Dear Parents, Carers & Children

A warm Christian welcome to the ‘SEND Information’ section of our website.  I hope that you will find these pages informative and useful.

At St Aidan’s Church of England Memorial Primary School we value each child’s uniqueness and welcome the wide variations of talent and ability occurring in a large collective group.  The children in our school are all individuals and our aim is for all children to reach their full potential.

We believe that every child has an entitlement to personal, social and intellectual development and must be given the opportunity to achieve his/her potential in learning to the fullest extent, regardless of gender, race, age or ability.

At St Aidan's, our Christian Vison is at the heart of everyone and everything we do in school.


We aim to encourage every unique member of our school family to flourish and grow through the unconditional love of God.  To feel rooted, loved, peaceful and protected in our school family and in God's strong arms.

Our core Christian values are also at the heart of everything we do.  

We endeavour to build on the four key values that as a school we want to model.

OUR CORE CHRISTIAN VALUES - Love, Compassion, Trust and Togetherness 

The school aims are:

  • to provide inspirational teaching and learning experiences which are broad, balanced and relevant for every child irrespective of ability, gender or ethnicity
  • to ensure the highest academic achievements possible for our children especially in reading, writing and mathematics
  • to provide opportunities for each child to learn the skills to enable them to work both independently and in co-operation with others as preparation for adult life
  • to work in partnership with the children’s families and St Aidan’s Church to the advantage of each child and the school
  • to provide opportunities for each child to make responsible choices enabling them to keep safe and to lead healthy lifestyles

If you have any questions about SEND or your child's education, please do hesitate to contact myself or another member of the ‘Inclusion Team’.

Mrs Karen Chapman

DEPUTY Headteacher & SENCo


sa policy send policy.pdf

 Information Report

send information report.pdf

 Inclusion Team

send inclusion team.pdf


send senco.pdf

Inclusion Manager

send inclusion manager.pdf

Academy Councillor for SEND

send academcy councillor.pdf

Educational Psychology

send ep.pdf

Speech and Language Therapy

send salt.pdf

Other Outside Agencies

send other agencies.pdf

 Parental Information - New Arrangements for SEND

send parental info arrangements.pdf

Parental Information - SEN or Disability

send parental info send and or disability.pdf

Parental Information - Areas of Need

send parental info areas of need.pdf


SEND - Hartlepool LA Information

LA-SEND Policy

HIASS - The Local Offer

Local Offer - Information

local offer information.pdf

send 2 local offer.pdf

LINK to Hartlepool Local Offer


send 2 sendiass.pdf

SEND - Other Information

send 3 send guide for parents.pdf

send 3 outside agencies.pdf

send 3 useful websites.pdf