Reading and Phonics
We aim to have all children reading by age 6, so all pupils participate in discrete phonics lessons following the ‘Letters and Sounds’ programme in Early Years and Key Stage 1, except for those pupils who have learned to read fluently by Year 2.
Our phonics curriculum provides all children with quality first teaching of phonics through a highly structured and systematic approach. We teach synthetic phonics through fast-paced sessions that include a range of activities and resources, enabling access for all learning styles. At all stages, pupils read books closely matched to their developing phonic knowledge.
From the outset, pupils who are not meeting age-related expectations are quickly identified and receive regular intervention to enable them to make progress. In the Summer Term of Year 1, pupils are assessed using the Phonics Screening Check. For children who do not pass the Phonics Screening Check at the end of Year 1, intervention programmes will be put in place from the beginning of Year 2.
At the end of KS1, pupils still identified as working below age-related expectations will be supported further in the acquisition of their phonic knowledge through intervention in Y3 and beyond. Teachers continue to reinforce the application of phonic knowledge and skills as the route to decoding words until this has become embedded and reading is fluent. When pupils join our school at different stages in their development of phonic knowledge, we quickly identify the appropriate level for them to be working at and provide intervention accordingly.
Our vision for all pupils is that they will develop the necessary decoding and spelling skills that they require to become confident readers and writers by the end of Year 2, enabling them to engage fully with the wider curriculum as they progress through school and into the future.
Information for Key Stage 1 Parents regarding Phonics Screening Check
Parent's Info.pdf
Video to show correct pronunciation of phonemes (Sounds):
Recommended websites for Phonics Games:
Poopdeck Pirates