Keeping Safe Online

(Please click here to open our "Keeping Safe Online Policy")

At St Aidans E-safety is important to us. We have guidelines for the children and staff regarding safe use of ICT (information, communication technology) and the internet.  

If you would like resources to help you better inform your child about E-safety there are some good resources listed at the bottom of the page.

If you ever have any concerns about your child’s safety online you should contact CEOP (Child exploitation and Online Police). If your concerns are linked to school, then please inform your child’s school teacher or go directly to a member of the Senior Leadership Team.


School is comitted to providing as much informatioin, help and support to families in an ever changing world of technology.  For children, e-safety is an important part of our computing curriculum.  


We also want to empower parents and carers and so are working with National Online Safety to provide online training for all parents.  To find out more about this excellent resource and opportunity click the Training link. 

For imformation about apps, games or programs click the Apps and Games link, and for information about specific technology clock the Technology link.