Freedom Of Information

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 gives members of the public the right to access official information held by Public Authorities.

Freedom of Information requests will be dealt with within the statutory 20 working days.

Requests should be made in writing to:

St Aidan’s Church of England Memorial Primary School,

Loyalty Road,


TS25 5BA


Phone number:  01429 273695

Freedom of Information Contact:  Mrs Fiona Bloxsome - School Business Manager

DNDLT - Freedom of Information Policy 

dndlt policy freedom of information policy.pdf

 Privacy Notice - Pupils and their Families

sa privacy notice privacy notice for pupils and their families.pdf

Privacy Notice - Y6 Transition to Secondary School

sa privacy notice y6 transition to secondary school.pdf

 DNDLT - Data Protection Policy

dndlt policy data protection policy.pdf


Data Protection Statement