The 2000's

Staff Millennium Photo - 2000

Some temporary supply staff included and some regular staff missing.

Back row:

Mrs Carberry, Mrs Richardson, Mr Bell, Miss Peters, Mrs Peake, Miss Brown

Middle row:

Mrs Sewell, Miss Jones, Mrs Robertson, Mr Jeffries, Mr Morgan, Mrs Brown, Mrs Ledington, Miss Minton

Front row:

Mrs Frost, Mrs Cornforth, Mrs Brown, Mrs Mennear, Mr Railton (head), Mrs Shadforth, Mrs Robertson, Mrs Windram, Mrs Walls

Year 6 - 2001


Staff photo 2004

Staff photo in the school hall - a huge back wall before the kitchen and the serving hatch were built.

Back row:

Mrs White, Mrs Ledington, Miss Peters, Mr Bell, Mrs Davison, Mrs Peake, Mr McKenna, Mrs Brown, Mrs Richardson,

Middle row:

Mrs Frost, Mrs Brown, Mrs Carberry, Mrs Reid, Mrs Bird, Mrs Martin, Mrs Stead, Mrs Sanderson, Mrs Rushton

Front Row:

Mrs Baldwin, Mrs Atkinson, Wrs Walls, Mrs Mennear, Mr Railton (head), Mr Atkinson (deputy), Mrs Robertson, Mrs Heslop, Mrs Craig


2001 Reception Class - Mrs Carberry


2001 - Staff Photo


2003 - Reception Mrs Canvin-Reid's Class


2005 Mr Atkinson (deputy headteacher) and his ICT Club.


2005 - Year 6 Leavers Photo