The 1960's
Child Welfare Course - 1966
This image shows teacher Mrs Price with senior girl pupils doing a childcare course. This would probably be the last year of the senior girls, as around this time the senior department of the school closed.
The back of the photo reveals that they were all successful on the course.
(kindly supplied by Hartlepool History Then and Now (
Staff Photo 1965
Staff of Infants and Secondary Girls' departments 1965. In the background is the house which would soon become the original Greensides public house.
Row 1
Norma Thompson, Eileen Brough, Sheila Johnson, Mrs Price, Margaret Graham, Mrs Hetherington
Row 2
Evelyn Burnham, Susie Moore (headteacher), Reta Campbell, Nan Turnbull
(kindly supplied by Hartlepool History Then and Now (
Swimming Team - 1961
Members of St Aidan's School swimming team
(kindly supplied by Hartlepool History Then and Now (